Monday 16 June 2008

Others who are doing well

let the pictures speak for themselves... I'm having so much fun watching them mature

Focus on the Royal Red VFT

Our Royal Red VFT is by far our best specimen. Purchased from Mike King earlier this year, it is just stunning, so here are a few close ups to show it off in all its glory

Sunday 15 June 2008

Showing off the Beasties

Saracenia Flava in all its glory

VFT Vertical - one of our favourites
VFT Great West Giant - still a baby, but doing well

Royal Red bites off more that it can chew!

Well if it can't catch flies, then it will have to make do with a Sarra!!

Tuesday 10 June 2008

all settled in

I finally have pictures of the beasties enjoying the sun

Progress on the collection

Glenn went mad on VFTs and we have so many that he has had to take some home with him because I ran out of room. Well the new babiesx are all settling in nicely, I'll get a list up here soon, but here is a picture of the nursery....