Sunday 30 March 2008

A new Home...Hope

Well they have all settled in and are ready to grow...hopefully.
We are in the process of creating our grow list and taking individual photos of our little beasties. There are a couple of currently unidentified specimens, which we will call on the cpuk forum for some help.

Monday 24 March 2008

In the beginning

Our Adventure into Carnivorous plants has began!!

Well we have started collection after a visit to Mike King's Shropshire Sarracenias. My boot was full of pots, which I'm assured will be a fantastic collection of Sarracenias, Venus Fly Traps and other killer plants. They survived the journey and are currently lodged in trays on my kitchen window.

I'll get some photos tomorrow and a run down of the specimens... can't wait to see them grow and eventually devour!!!